2024 Members
Allied Members
Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society
Alexandra Writers Centre Society
Beyond Limits Dance Collective
Blackfoot Canadian Cultural Society
Hibikiya (Southern Alberta Taiko Society)
Galt Museum & Archives and Fort Whoop-Up
Lethbridge and District Music and Speech Arts Festival
Lethbridge Branch of the Alberta Registered Music Teachers’ Association
Associate Members
Jaimee Jarvie Music & Arts
Legend Art Gallery
My Lethbridge
Paint with Dave
Honourary Members

The AAC Board of Directors has throughout the years inducted long-serving members of the arts community as Honourary Members. The bestowal of Honourary Membership includes recognition, member benefits and an individual vote at the AGM for the entirety of their lifetime.
Honourary Member Roll
Barb Cunningham
Donna Gallant
Don Reeves
Gloria Torrance
Karen Kay
Kathy Hopkins
Laura Kenwood
Margaret (Peggy) Mezei
Ronald Maarten Brown
Shirley Wyngaard
Suzanne Lint
Honourary Members in Memoriam
Aileen Jones
Albert (Bert) C. Evins
Anna Gangur
Annie Lundy
Arthur K. Putland
Dr. Barbara Lacey
Carol Patricia Germaine Watkinson
Charles R. Matthews
Clare St. Clair Malmberg
Doris Vivian Balcovske
Elva Bussard
George Brenner McKillop
George Watson Sr.
Harold (Harry) Turner
Horace Barrett
Mabelle Bryans
Phillip J. Collins
Ralph B. McKenzie
Dr. Van E. Christou
William Fairbairn