
Events / Drama / Waking Death Performance Series: The Late Night Ghost Show

Waking Death Performance Series: The Late Night Ghost Show

Waking Death Collective

Community CultureDanceDrama

Mia van Leeuwen presents a new performance work in progress inspired by her research and play with ghosts, griefs, rituals and spook shows.

Waking Death Performance Series: The Late Night Ghost Show
October 20, 2023

Mia van Leeuwen presents a new performance work in progress inspired by her research and play with ghosts, griefs, rituals and spook shows. Featuring local talents Kathy Zaborsky (Choir & Music Director) and performers Annie Martin, Katrina Violet, Jaret Pack, Anastasia Siceac, Jess Syratt, Maddie McKee and Lilianna Gaggero.

Dramaturgy by John Turner
Costumes by Jaime Johnson & Julia Wasilewski
Scenic Worlding by Julia Wasilewski & Mia van Leeuwen

Suitable for ages 16+

With generous support from the Alberta Foundation of the Arts!

Friday October 20, 2023 8:00 PM

Casa Community Room

230 8th Street, South Lethbridge, AB T1J 5H2, Canada

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