Waking Death Crafts: Victorian Hairwork Workshop with Shanell Papp
The Gallery at Casa
Waking Death Crafts: Victorian Hairwork Workshop with Shanell Papp
Waking Death Crafts: Victorian Hairwork Workshop with Shanell Papp
September 22, 2023
Flesh rots to bone, taking our faces and figures with it. But clip a lock of hair, and it will keep its color for decades, even centuries. Thus, art crafted from hair—a 19th-century tradition in which tresses were braided into jewelry, looped to resemble flower petals, even ground up for use in pigments—remains frozen in time. – Visual Culture
Join artist Shanell Papp as she guides participants through this curious Victorian tradition used as a way to memorialise the dead. Hair and wire will be provided.
*Note: There is a fee required to participate in this workshop. Please visit the Casa website for more information.