
Events / Drama / TomorrowLove by Rosamund Small

TomorrowLove by Rosamund Small

University of Lethbridge Faculty of Fine Arts


A collection of short plays about love, sex, technology, and the future.

TomorrowLove by Rosamund Small

March 14 – 18, 2023 | 7:30pm |  David Spinks Theatre

TomorrowLove by Rosamund Small

Evidence directed by Gail Hanrahan
Reality Hurts directed by Anastasia Siceac
Eight Legs Two Hearts directed by Jordyn Nixon
Perfect directed by Kacie Hall

A collection of short plays about love, sex, technology, and the future. Each play is set in a different possible future where one incredible new piece of technology has been created to enhance the relationships of its inhabitants. Nothing is impossible in TomorrowLove, but is any of this really making lives better?

Tuesday March 14, 2023 - Sunday March 19, 2023 7:30 PM

David Spinks Theatre

4401 University Dr W, Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4

$0 - $18