Open Stage
Lethbridge Folk Club
Everyone is welcome to this no cost event which is most gratefully supported by performers and the audience with cash donations to help pay for the venue at McKillop United.
September 8, 2023
McKillop United Church
You have a melody in your heart and a song to sing. It may be your song or one you borrowed. You have harmonies and rhythms in the messages of your blues that demand to be let out. THEN, you will be most pleased to know that the Lethbridge Folk Club will provide to you at no cost a stage with sound facilities, and a most appreciative audience for you to present the talents of your performance. Do not be surprised if your performance moves some of the audience to dance on the venues wonderful hardwood. Everyone is welcome to this no cost event which is most gratefully supported by performers and the audience with cash donations to help pay for the venue at McKillop United.