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AiR Artist Talk: Elyse Longair
Elyse Longair
Join Casa's new Artist in Residence (AiR), Elyse Longair, for their Artists Talk at the Trianon Gallery on January 30!
Artist in Residence (AiR) Artist Talk: Elyse Longair
Tuesday, January 30,2024
7 – 8 pm
Trianon (104 5 St S)
Elyse will be at Casa from January 3 – 30 working on collages for her upcoming exhibition at the Trianon in the 2D Studio. Join us for her public programming:
Collage Workshop: Thursday, January 17, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Exhibition Opening at the Trianon (104 5 St S): Saturday, January 27 at 8 pm
Talk and Tour at the Trianon: Tuesday, January 30, from 7 – 8 pm
Elyse Longair is an artist, curator and image theorist pursuing her PhD in Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies at Queen’s University. Her ‘simple image’ theory re-imagines the role of images away from complexity, opening up new possibilities for imagined Futures.