Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge (AAC)

Board Member – Roles, Responsibilities and Expectations


Purpose: To advise, govern, oversee policy and direction, and assist with the leadership and general promotion of AAC so as
to support the organization’s Vision, Mission and needs.

Length of term: Three years, may be renewed up to a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Meetings and time commitment:

  • The Board of Directors meets September through June normally on the third Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm. Meetings typically last two hours.
  • Committees of the Board meet an average of two to four times per year, depending on their respective work agenda.
  • Board members are expected to attend the annual AGM (March), a Board Organizational Meeting (March or April), a Board planning session, and special events.

Expectations of Board members:

  • Hold a current membership in good standing with the AAC.
  • Provide governance to the AAC, represent it within the community and act as the ultimate legal authority for the organization.
  • Help communicate and promote the AAC Vision, Mission and programs to the community.
  • Be alert to community concerns that can be addressed by the AAC Vision, Mission, Objects and programs.
  • Understand and support the bylaws, policies, regulations and procedures of the AAC.
  • Become familiar with the AAC finances, budget and financial/resource needs.
  • Attend and participate in AAC meetings, events and other community events.
  • Participate on Board committees.
  • Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice, and comments.
  • Financially support the AAC in a manner commensurate with one’s ability.
  • Maintain confidentially of privileged information.

Major responsibilities:

  • Organizational
    • Provide leadership and promote the AAC.
    • Annually review Board performance taking steps to improve its performance as required.
    • Propose a slate of directors to membership and address Board vacancies as needed.
  • Planning
    • Review and approve AAC Vision, Mission, core services and strategic plans.
    • Formulate and provide oversight of bylaws, policies, regulations and procedures.
  • Operational
    • Hire, monitor, appraise, advise, support, reward and, if necessary remove Executive Director.
    • Annually evaluate the Executive Director and establish their compensation.
    • Provide oversight of program planning and evaluation including review of management reports.
    • Approve major actions such as unbudgeted expenditures and major program and service changes.
  • Financial
    • Provide financial oversight including approval of budget and review of management reports.
    • Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.
    • Assist with fund development.

Members of the Board share these responsibilities while acting in the best interest of the AAC. Each member is expected to
make recommendations based on his or her experience and vantage point in the community.