ULethbridge Film Series presents: Pan’s Labyrinth
(Guillermo del Toro / Spain & Mexico / 2006)
Hosted by Dr. Brent Devos (Modern Languages & Linguistics)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Movie Mill, 7:30 p.m.
$5 students/youth | $8 adults
In the northern countryside of 1944 fascist Spain, an ancient and mysterious faun tells young Ofelia that she must reclaim her identity as princess of the fairy realm.
Winner of Best Film Not in the English Language at the 2006 BAFTA Awards.
“A fairy tale of such potency and awesome beauty that it reconnects the adult imagination to the primal thrill and horror of the stories that held us spellbound as children.” – Jim Emerson, Chicago Sun-Times
Rated 14A for violence and coarse language.
View the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Evmr2ZCjWc
Room or Area:
The Movie Mill